Parish Council
18th November 2020
Sibton has a new SID Unit in Pouy Street
31st May 2019
The Committee of the Friends of St. Peter’s Church Sibton are very pleased by the response to the Books & Bric-a-Brac Sale held at the church over the Bank Holiday weekend. The church seemed more full than ever with things for sale.
Who would have expected to be able to pick up a pogo stick or a monocycle at the same event?! And many hands made light work of helping people with extraordinary purchases.
The result was the fantastic sum of £2,041.90 raised after all expenses had been accounted for. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who offered help and things for sale, and to the many who visited over the weekend.
Grenades were discovered and detonated in Sibton by British Army Bomb Disposal Experts, Suffolk Police and Suffolk Fire & Rescue